HS was formed in 2000, distribute electronic component over 10 years, own rich & long experience in distribution filed, provide perfert & fully electronic component supply source solution. HS has a friendly cooperate relationship with most of famouse manufacturers and agents, advantage product for chip capacitor, tantalum capacitor, electrolytic capacitor, IC, diode , transistor and inductor, distribute brand include: AVX TDK KEMET SANYO MURATA TAIYO YUDEN SAMSUNG SUMIDA PANASONIC NICHICON RUBYCON EPCOS SUNCON CHEMI-CON VISHAY STT I etc.

HS is point component highly quality and best customer service, perfert prodcut quality systerm make customer warranty and gurantee, let customer havent any issue on basic of fast respond service,HS own strong finacial support, adequte stable stock source, to solve difficulte component urgently supply as customer face, HS own rich experience sales engineer, exactly provide correct component on directly know customer demand. HS grow fastly, own over 50 sales engineer, now is be a famouse distributor in international electronic component filed, and will distribute more component to all over the world. HS is sincerity to cooperate with you, try make two win. HS is your reliable cooperation partner.


smd tantalum chip capacitor, aluminum electrolytic capacitor, mlcc monolithic laminated capacitor, high frequency capacitance, mica capacitor, polyester film capacitor, polypropyene capacitor, high voltage capacitor
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